20 plastic strip bandage 7.5 x 2cm
12 fabric strip bandage 7.5 x 2.2cm
6 fabric knuckle bandage 7.5 x 3.75cm
6 fabric patch bandage 5 x 7.5cm
6 fabric fingertip bandage 7.5 x 4.5cm
24 gauze pads 7.5 x 7.5cm
12 gauze pads 10 x 10cm
2 compress bandage 10 x 10cm
2 compress bandage 15 x 15cm
50 alcohol wipes
12 hand wipes
1 cloth tape 2.5cm x 4.5m
2 conform bandage 5cm x 4.5m
2 conform bandage 7.5cm x 4.5m
4 bio-hazard red bag 60 x 60cm
8 pairs of disposable gloves large
4 triangular cotton bandage c/w pins 102 x 102 x 142cm
1 bandage scissors 14cm
1 straight splinter forceps 11.5cm
1 CPR-aid rescue device single use
2 emergency survival blanket 213 x 132cm
2 sterile abdominal/combine pad 12.5 x 22.5cm
12 0.9g antibiotic ointment
2 elastic support bandage 7.5cm x 4.5m
8 non-adherent pads 5 x 7.5cm
2 instant cold pack small
1 windlass tourniquet
20 glucose tablets, 4g/tablet
1 flat fold splint 61 x 11cm
2 Eye dressing kit (1-Eye Pad, 1-Eye Shield)
1 soft pack with 2 pockets 23 x 32 x 10cm
For 26 to 50 workers
CSA type 3 medium intermediate soft first aid kit
SKU: 33/785270 – F785N270
Category: 012 - First aid
Tags: First aid - Premiers soins, First aid kit - Trousse premiers soins
Brand: Put It On

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